I love all the Instagram photos flying around out there in blog land and I have been wishing that I had an Iphone so I can play around taking some neat shots, too. Then it dawned on me that Sarah has an Ipod touch and she can download apps. BINGO! She downloaded the Instagram app for me. So now I have been borrowing her Ipod to take Instagram pictures and emailing them to myself! I love the rough, grainy, free-style look that you can get using the different filters. They are far from 'perfect' shots, but it's neat how they capture a moment in a fun way.
Sarah had her first Fall softball game this afternoon. She went with better expectations than previous seasons (it seems she has been on losing teams, I mean like losing EVERY SINGLE GAME of the season losing teams, since she started playing). From her practices she's noticed that there is a pretty good group of girls together this time around.
I have to tell you that her jersey number is 34 and has been for several seasons now. We are all Phillies fans here at my house and Sarah loves Phillies pitcher Roy Halladay, who happens to be number 34. His nickname is 'Doc', and as it so happens that is what her nickname is when she is playing. What a coincidence! I looked at Todd's cap before the game and noticed he had written 'Doc's dad' with a Sharpie marker, under the brim.
So, my 'Doc', sitting in the dugout pre-game, all serious and business-like (taken with the Instagram app! woohoo!)....
....and my Doc after the game, (THAT THEY WON!) with a celebratory snow cone and a mile-wide smile (taken with a different filter from the Instagram app)....
Sarah apparently was confused when the ump called the game finished and the coaches called the girls in..... "Wait. What? We WON?!"
Way to go Sarah and team! And yea! for the Instagram app! :-)