Like I need something else to look at when I have the time to look!
I just found the site Polyvore and put together a Saturday night date outfit that I'd be so happy to wear. I'll just go visit the money tree in my backyard first. ;-)
If you go here you can get all the deets on my ensemble. :-)
Another evil, evil site is Pinterest. Sooooo many amazing ideas and pretty things to look at. You can check out all the neat things that I've pinned here. :-)
(*edited to add: Sarah read my post and asked why I called the site 'evil'. For clarification - i ***LOVE*** the site. Too much. And I mean evil in that it sucks you in and you have to keep scrolling through to see what other people have pinned because it's all soooo goooood. You just can't stop. Evil. lol)
Now. I really must get some laundry done. Good thing I keep a pry bar handy to remove myself from my computer! HA! :-)
i agree both are evil...!
i'm going to need to detox myself from both of them for a few days so I get rid of all the piles that have been building up around here becuase of them :)
Posted by: Nicole K. | May 18, 2011 at 10:35 PM
Oh man-I heart Polyvore! I know what you mean. I love it though because you can search for very specific items in certain price ranges. For that, it is awesome!
Posted by: April | May 20, 2011 at 01:02 AM
the evil sites are growing and stealing even more of my time too!! i dare not look at polyvore!! (and when i first glimpsed what you had up there i thought the necklace was a tiny little pair on knickers LOL! had to look twice!!)
Posted by: Petrina | May 22, 2011 at 06:40 AM