I have said this many times... look for inspiration eve-ry-where. Even if it's something silly. If you are inspired to draw, crochet, paint, make jewelry, do a sculpture (Play Doh counts) or take a photograph - go for it! Play and have fun and create.
Case in point.... I was at my brother and sister-in-law's house this morning to photograph some of Leann's new crocheted items. I was all done and had my camera put away when I spied these on the kitchen counter....
oh my goodness I was so excited! I never saw cookies like these before and I had to play.
Then I had to dig my camera back out and play some more.....
So even if your brother rolls his eyes and mutters 'oh brother' when he sees what you're doing - it's OK!!! LOL
You are creating and having fun! You are expressing yourself and documenting who you are and what makes you tick. Each of us is different and each of us should be celebrated. The little differences between us make us special and unique.
Celebrate the little things that inspire you and remember...... P.S. it's