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September 14, 2009


Angie Aleszczyk

glad you are feeling better..its funny how boys love frogs...thats too funny about his foot..or no foot.....there is noting like a boy to find all kinds of stuff in the back yard...

Barb Liberti

so cute! I would come home from work and find toads and frogs in my bathtub, crayfish crawling in my closet and once had a black snake lost in my basement for weeks. Gotta love those sons. He still has a snake for a pet. Enjoy.

Aunt Sue

Ok. It's cute. All except the snakes. That's one
big fat no-no like from Aunt Sue. YUCK!!!! Snakes,
mice and bats. Can't handle them. Ok with the frogs. Glad you are feeling better.


cute lo patty! that paper is adorable - and believe it or not i have the perfect photos for it too - although with lauren holding frogs not the boys :)


cute patty!

Jen Davis

Just adorable! Loving those froggies! =)

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