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November 18, 2008


Petrina McDonald

Oh Patty that sounds soooo familiar! I am in the muddled up jumble of thinking about Christmas but trying to WRITE school reports! I haven't got my shoes mixed up yet, but I did get the time for my hair appointment wrong by 4 hours today!

Ronda Palazzari

Good to know I am not alone it "losing it." lol

You ordered the twilight series before Christmas.....hmmmm, you might not get to all things on your list then...

such good books

Aunt Sue

You are definitely soooo like me! Done the dif shoe thing
but didn't catch it while still at home!!! I went to a
Designer House tour this spring with friends and had on
a blue and a black sandal (at least same style). They still
tease me about that.

Thinking about making a wreath. I'll check out the site.


LOL!!! i've actually done that before too....lol...

the wreath making sounds fantastic...that beautiful smell alone makes me jealous of your daily jaunts to the nursery...

& yes..it is getting cold FAST! our little squirrels have such big bushy tails already...i think we are in for a freezing winter...maybe that means we'll get lots of crafting time in? or it could mean we'll be crazy from saying "PLEASE stop squabbling!!!!" 8 million times...ugh! i think i need to get some baileys for my coffee...lol



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