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January 03, 2008



wow that rak rocks
ha ha so much kindnes
love your work
Hugs Moon


that is the most awesome RAK
kindness is a wonderful thing - it is amazing how good it can make YOU feel as well as the person you are being kind to !!

i am a regular blog reader - but a rare commenter !!


Awesome way to ring in the new year...and I love your way of thinking...keep it up!!



Hi Patty - I love reading your blog and have taken your classes at CKC. Thanks for the regular inspiration and this great opportunity to win some awesome stuff!
Val in NJ


With two kids, a full-time job, a husband and a house to take care of it is easy to get caught up in the day to day stress. I catch myself often rushing and having little patience with other people. I often have to step back and take a deep breath and look at the big picture. I have been trying to better at RAK and wish that everyone would just do ONE RAK a day. How much nicer would that be. What a great idea. Took your class at CKC and have been reading your BLOG ever since.
Baltimore, MD


Well I'll totally throw my name in for this one!
Awesome RAK Patty....thanks for offering the kindness (although obviously that is always you anyway :)


that is one gorgeous little group of goodies you put together!


What a nice thing to do. I will pay your kindness forward :)


I work for Lehigh County Emergency Management, and we use alot of acronyms. I have to say the RAK is the best one I have learned thus far. Including RAK into my life will make for an excellent New Year's Resolution.

My office prides itself on educating the public on emergency preparedness and RAK should definitely be incorporated into what we teach. As we all know from disasters like Katrina, we need to help each other out in times of need.

Petrina McDonald

Oh Patty - you are too kind! What a lovely idea to actually be more kind. So, if I don't win this RAK - would you be so kind as to "accidentally" forget to pop the adorable little bling crowns in with the RAK and send them to me instead????

Love, P

Joan Fowler

Wow, now that is a great way to start the New Year. Count me in for a chance to win those goodies. And Patty remember that your light does shine for many of us out here in blogland.


Ronda Palazzari

WOW...that's is so awesome of you! How pretty are those colors!


Hi Patty,
Unfortunately I will be missing your class at Kinnon in Jan! I am out of town. I will be keeping my eyes open for the next one! I enjoy reading your blog, lots of great ideas!


Barb Liberti

...and you know, Patti, sometimes it's hardest to perform RAK at home. I seem to have more patience with my patients than my own mother (lives with me and has Alzheimers) I'm going to put even more effort into RAK at home this year. Thanks for the inspiration.

Barb L.

rachel tanner

Hi I always check out your blog, I supposwe I am a lurker!
I have been here for a while but alas I am sorry I have only come out of the woodwork for a rak!!! My resolution to leave more comments on blogs :)


I am also a lurker :-) and love reading your blog.

Great start of 2008!


Mary K

Hi Patty - I'm grateful to your blog because you have opened by eyes to SO much in the scrapping world. I'm lucky to be a local and get to see you in the store. Please keep up the good work. I love to scraplift from you!



Maybe I can win? I love RAKs. And if I win, I will make the same giveaway on my blog. The truth is, that I will make it even if I won't win :) Now I made gifts for "Pay it forward" giveaway - it's great projects! Send you warmest wishes from Poland! And have a great 2008 year!


That is such a great way to live for 2008. I know I was trying to be very kind during the crazy holiday season, when it can get pretty ugly out there at times. I guess it was all the stress we were all under.


What a great idea Patty!! You are so creative! I think you should be in marketing for a craft/scrapbook magazine. Your ideas are awesome and they definiately keep everyone interested in reading your blog and seeing what you have to come up with next! Way to Go!!

And Patty, you do not need to enter me into the RAK drawing, I just wanted to post a comment to you!


I love the new picture of you, and that thought-provoking quote. A smile is just a little thing, but it can work wonders for everyone around you.
But this RAK is a BIG thing! Wow! what a generous offering for your readers! Whoever wins this is going to have so much fun creating!
We should all take the initiative from you and do at least one RAK a day - I agree, it would make this world a better place....especially on the highways and roads! LOL


O the colors!!!!! Sweet RAK honey! Thanks for leaving your love over at my place ^------^

Have a creative New Year!!!!!,

Laurel Burns

Throwing my hat in the ring to win your RAK! So nice of you to do this.


What a great idea! Taking the cue from you, I'll spread a little kindness today and, in my own small way, try to make this world a much nicer place.

BTW, I took one of your classes at CKC and absolutely fell in love with all of your amazing mini albums and proceeded to find your blog afterwards. You are so talented and I would love to see you post more of them here on your blog for inspiration. Pretty please?

Fun with Family

You are very special and inspire me to want to be a better person!!


You're too kind Patty... RAK or no RAK (give away!)
Always inspiring ! Will you ever post challenges again? Happy & Blessed New Year to you & your Family!
Good Luck to all .. on the drawing! WOW 25 + comments

Lisa Prokop

Hi, Patty!
Thank you for inspiring us all to be kinder people!
In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, little acts of
kindness really do make a difference!


Sue Paden

I love your blog. Thanks for the great random act of kindness. I, too, try to RAK everyday, it now comes very natural and I feel great. Have a Happy New Year and I will see you at the store soon.

Julie McD

Sweet RAK! Love the yummy colors, the goodness & that bling! What a great idea! Thanks! You totally rock. Happy New Year!


wow-great idea, patty
thanks 4 the info on the January page kit
I picked one up after we spoke on the phone

Judy G

Oh, I'm a firm believer of this .... you give a little kindness, you GET a little kindness. What a sweetie you are and I must say, "You've got a lovely rak!"


Hi there girl, your RAK looks so great. Hope the winner makes a wonderful LO of it. Love, es


I have been lurking around your blog for sometime now and I so enjoy it. Please add my name to the pot for this very kind RAK! Thanks!


Hi Patty At first when I read this (to quickly) I thought you wanted us to post about a RAK that we had done lately...and I was going to join in to win! haha I was going to tell you that last Thursday I was in a VERY long line at the post office and a girl of about 16 came in to mail a letter and wanted to know if she had to wait in line. People told her she could leave it on the counter and go...well she had forgotten to put a stamp on it! She said she had to go back out to her car and while she was gone three more people came in and got in line...When she got back, I had a stamp ready for her. I gave her a stamp and she left her letter on the counter and left after thanking me for saving her probably a 15 minute wait. The lady behind me said "You are a very nice person. You don't see someone that would do that to often." To myself I was thinking it was only 40 something cents why wouldn't someone do that? I would want someone to do it for me! I think that if more people would do RAK's the world would be a better place! Thanks for challenging everyone to do that!!! Love you!

Lisa B

Loved your Life is in the Details class at VF and I've been a fan since then. You're a great inspiration. Looking forward to what you have to share in the new year!

Lisa B

andi kingsland

hi love to ome here and see what fab work you have done always on my blog roll!
Thanks and thanks for being so kind with a RAK.


What a nice thing to do! I'm late to the party as always....but better late than never. I've seen these RAK more and more lately, and it gives one such a warm fuzzy feeling inside. :)

Jan Perilli

What a Beautiful package.....I want it......I can pick it up :)


Whoa! What a great RAK!
Just caught up on your blog entries the
other day and I loved the wooden house
(This old house) you gave your brother
and his wife. Unique and I'm sure will
look great in their new renovated family room.

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