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January 28, 2008



These are both fantastically cool glimpses of you! And, it makes me want to trudge through the snow to the shop out back of our house to find my portfolio from college. How fun!


HOLY MAC INA FREAKIN' HAYSTACK....YOU AN ARTIST.........................

Joan Fowler

Very bloody impressive. And that crown....if Liz were still alive I bet she would love it!


I do the exact same thing Patty!

I have my portfolio from college stashed underneath my bed, and everytime I look under my bed for something I always pull out my portfolio and look back at the projects that I did. I often wonder what my projects would look like now if I were in college now. Would they be better? Would I have put more thought into my projects?

Thanks for sharing this Patty! You did wonderful work!(as always!)

Now, I want to go home now and look through my portfolio!

Petrina McDonald

Oh wow Patty! Wow Wow Wow! Looks like you have always been super talented then! Must go and dig up some of my old stuff one day - in stark contrast to this!
Love, P.

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