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January 25, 2008


Petrina McDonald

hmmm...still deciding which one of you got the worse deal on that one. I don't think I'd want to get up to stoke a fire - it wouldn't look lovingly into your eyes after you had done "the job" but then again, it would at least give you time off over the summer! Minus eleven! Ok, that is really really really cold!! I don't think I have ever been anywhere that was that cold! I guess you don't want to know that we just spent 2 hours at the beach this morning and that it is around 30 degrees celsius here now?
love, P


I guess it is a good thing we tend to babies. The baby thing last for only a short time but the coal thing will reoccur every winter for years... I will do the baby thing any day!

You go Todd!

Fun with Family

That was a funny story. It reminded me of my childhood, when i would wake up to a cold house because the wood fire had gone out.

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