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March 23, 2007


Sarah Lambert

My mom still does the side arm thrust and I am 30!! Hope Sarah feel better.


All of them lol many times
Hope Sarah is feeling better soon.


i am so lolololol!!!! PLEASE tell me that you will do a hilarious mini book @ this...i'm sure your kids will love to pull it out on thanksgiving & laugh their heads off!!

i'm famous for the squint & wag...especially while i'm onthe phone...but they have to lip read my scolding! lololol!!!!

& i hope sarah is back to her old self again..& ben gets better soon! spring is here...i promise! you can open those windows & get those germs out!!

Jan C.

Patty, so glad you found my blog earlier today, because now I'm having a great time discovering yours! Your post about the parent's playbook is too funny. As the mom of 5, I've done them all, or some version of them all. Hope no one else in your family comes down with that stomach bug.

P.S.: Coincidentally, one of my best friends from childhood was another Patti Schaffer. Small world.

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