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March 27, 2007



so jealous!!!! all of it looks so yummy...can't wait to see what you create w/ your ghost flowers. i'm sure it will be so lovely! maybe you'll give me a peek when i see you in july at CKC??!!

i'm definitely going to have to make a special trip to KK....& i'm sure my pile on the counter will be HUGE!! :)

Amy Kinnon

Gigi -

We ship!!! Hee hee!

Amy Kinnon

Amy Kinnon

Thanks for helping since I am a big, bad, blog slacker! If the stuff would stop coming in, I might have time to catch up. Everytime I walk into the store right now, there is another 10 or so boxes waiting. I didn't even finish the last shipment before I left town and I stopped in today and there are MORE boxes in my lobby. Ugh!

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