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March 28, 2007



Okay, I just finished my flower challenge. I am always cutting it close. I know there is know time frame but I like to get it done before the next challenge comes in. I am not exactly done but I am ahead of the game since this project is for Easter. Here it is http://smarksthespot.typepad.com/s_marks_the_spot/2007/03/spring_flowers.html#comments

I will marinated this next challenge a while.



ooh this one sounds like fun, great page Patty and I think we all have photos like that. My boys are worse as they hit their teenage years about having their photo taken.
Stacy Your mini album is just gorgeous!


What a cute LO! :)


Did my layout for this week. My hubbys adoration of my niece :)



I've been wanting to do this for a long time. I'm going through my kids photo albums when they were babies. i'm going to put side by side... probably in a mini book ....a pic of her in the jogging stroller and one of him in the jogging strolller....her in the baby bjorn , him in the baby bjorn....in the swing...high chair....tub...vibrating seat...all when they were around the same age. Thanks for the push Patty to get this done. Now I have to gather all the pics.

Rebecca Geach

This was a great challenge Patty...
Here are my layouts:
Thanks for the inspiration to get stuff DONE!!
Bek :-)


whew! this was a good one! definitely challenged me & i really liked that!

here it is:


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