Tinkerbell backpack. Tinkerbell folder. Tinkerbell notebook. Heck, she may even have some fairy dust in there somewhere.
Sarah's first day of second grade is officially under her belt. Here she is getting on the bus....
(Just look for Tink) And here's my girl getting off the bus....
And, just for the heck of it, here's Ben waiting in the car at the bus stop.
He looks kinda tired, doesn't he? This morning I got a, "Moooooom. I'm still tired. Why'd you get me up?" Sarah was a bit puffy-eyed this morning, too. She was up twice during the night. Once with a belly ache and the other time she had a nightmare. A tree with a face was eating her skirt because she got too close to it and then it was trying to eat her. Poor kid.
I didn't cry this morning. Not one tear left my eye. (They did have some extra moisture in them but I didn't cry!) Next year when Ben starts Kindergarten I'm bringing the whole box of tissues to the bus stop. :-)